This Website was created as the digital component of a doctoral practicum project for the Book History and Print Culture Program at the University of Toronto. The project was completed under the supervision of Dr. George Elliott Clarke. However, Billy Johnson is solely responsible for all secondary content and any errors therein. The website was designed and published, and is hosted and maintained, by Billy Johnson using the Wix web development platform.
This website was created to be used solely for research and educational purposes. All secondary content that appears on the website is copyright © Billy Johnson
Neith and all works authored by Abraham Beverly Walker have been in the public domain for fifty (50) years after publication and fifty (50) years after the author's death and are therefore no longer subject to copyright. However, those works may be under copyright in jurisdictions outside Canada. It is the responsibility of readers, researchers, and visitors to the site that they observe and be in compliance with relevant copyright laws in their respective jurisdiction.
The digital copies of Neith that appear on this website were scanned from the volume held at the Saint John Free Public Library, Fundy Main Branch, Reference Archives, item barcode 39525022593058, call no. RA 052 NEI V. 1 NO. 1.
Photographs have been used with the permission of the New Brunswick Museum - Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick, www.nbm-mnb.ca, which retains all copyright. Images may not be copied, scanned, reproduced, or used in any form without the permission of the New Brunswick Museum.
Photograph Information:
Frederick Doig
negative / négatif
Germain Street looking North, Saint John, New Brunswick
Vue de la rue Germain en direction nord, Saint John, Nouveau-Brunswick
c. / v. 1898
glass dryplate negative / négatif sur plaque sèche de verre
overall: 10.1 x 12.6 cm
hors tout: 10,1 x 12,6 cm
Gift of James F. Doig, 1980
Isaac Erb & Son
photograph / photographie
Panorama View of City Looking North Prior to 1914
Vue panoramique de la ville en direction nord avant 1914
View of South End taken from the Atlantic Sugar Refineries showing the Barrack Green, Ordnance Building; James Pender & Co; T. MacAvity and Sons; Haley Bros. & Co.;
composite silver print / épreuve argentique composite
overall: 16 x 59.5 cm
hors tout : 16 x 59,5 cm
Gift of the City of Saint John, 1996
Don de la Ville de Saint John , 1996
Allison Montrose Colwell
photograph / photographie
St. Philip's African Methodist Episcopal Church, Corner of Pitt and Queen Street, Saint John, New Brunswick
Église épiscopale, méthodiste africaine St. Philip's, Saint John, Nouveau-Brunswick
c. / v. 1925
silver print / épreuve argentique
overall: 8.9 x 14.2 cm
hors tout: 8,9 x 14,2 cm
Allison Montrose Colwell fonds
Fonds de Allison Montrose Colwell